Sole-Mizo Zrt.

~ 1.200
~ 400 million
litres of milk processed

Sole-Mizo Zrt. is Hungary’s market leading dairy company, boasting the widest product range in this country. In our four plants in Szeged, Bácsbokod, Marcali and Csorna we employ 1200 people and process more than 400 million litres of milk each year. Our products are available all over Hungary, and each age group will surely find their favourites among them. Our product development efforts are aimed not only at ensuring quality and safety and the conventional consumer segment but also at those with special needs, including lactose-sensitive consumers and those wishing to lose weight, so that they are not excluded from the joy of consuming dairy products.

Mizo is our most well-known brand, which is a modern, innovative brand. Our other brands include Hazai, Farmer, Gazda and Sole. While the products making up the latter portfolio are produced primarily for export, the other ones are sold to meet the demand of domestic consumers.

Fresh and fermented dairy products, UHT milk products, curd cheese and processed cheese products as well as desserts are manufactured at our Szeged plant, the largest dairy plant in Central Europe. Our Bácsbokod plant manufactures natural and smoke-cured cheeses, grill cheeses and kashkaval, in various sizes and packaging presentations. Our plant in Csorna specialises in export products for industrial use (e.g. milk powder), along with butter and dairy spreads, condensed milk, akkawi cheese and our market leader Coffee Selection products. Our dairy plant in Marcali is a gem: that is where our popular curd cheese desserts are manufactured, with state-of-the-art technology.

The most important prizes and recognitions:

  • Pakk packaging design award – gold and silver – Mizo Coffee Selection product family.
  • Product of the year award Mizo Coffee Selection product family
  • Value and Quality Grand Prize – Mizo Coffee Selection product family
  • Mentes-M competition (Mizo Coffee Selection Latte Macchiato)
  • Pakk packaging design award – Mizo Dessert Selection and Mizo Felébresztejek products
  • Mentes-M competition (6 products)
  • Value and Quality Grand Prize – Mizo lactose-free and flavoured drinks product family
  • Excellent Hungarian Food – Farmer sour cream

Our certified quality management and food safety systems:

  • IFS (Bácsbokod, Csorna, Marcali, Szeged)
  • ISO 9001 (Bácsbokod, Csorna, Marcali, Szeged)


Sole-Mizo Zrt.

H-6728 Szeged,
Budapesti út 6.
Tel: +36/62-569-000
Fax: +36/62-569-048


Tamás Lengl
Operating Deputy CEO

Tamás Lengl

  • Bonafarm Zrt. –Operating Deputy CEO (since 2019)

Previous work experience

  • MiZo-Baranyatej Zrt. – Controller (1997-1998)
  • MiZo-Baranyatej Zrt. – Sales Manager (1998-2001)
  • MiZo-Baranyatej Zrt. – Director of Logistics (2001-2005)
  • Pécsi Brewing Zrt. – Director of Logistics (2005-2006)
  • Sole-MiZo Zrt – Director of Logistics (2006-2007)
  • Rem-Bó Kft. – Managing Director (2007-2013)
  • Bóly Zrt. – Manager of Poultry Sector (2008-2013)
  • Bonafarm-Bábolna Takarmány Kft. – CEO (2013-2019)
  • MCS Vágóhíd Zrt. – CEO (2019-2023)


  • Janus Pannonius University – Economist Master’s Degree (1991-1997)

Professional advocacy or position in other organisations

  • Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture – National Delegate (since 2019)

Tibor Orosz
Logistics Director

Szentesi Sándor

  • Bonafarm Zrt. – Kereskedelmi igazgató (2015-)

Sándor felsőfokú tanulmányait követően a Sárréti Tej Zrt.-nél helyezkedett el, ahol üzemeltető mérnökként kezdett, majd 1993-tól kereskedelmi vezető, 4 évvel később pedig  kereskedelmi és marketing vezető lett. 1998-től a Nutricia Zrt.-nél folytatta karrierjét, ahol kelet-magyarországi kereskedelmi vezetőként dolgozott 4 évig. 2002-ben a Friesland Hungária Zrt.-hez lépett át, ahol szintén kelet-magyarországi kereskedelmi vezető volt. A Sole-Mizo Zrt.-hez 2006-ban érkezett: field sales managerként, mely pozíciót 2010-ben az országos értékesítési igazgatói poszt követett, 2015-től pedig a Sole-Mizo kereskedelmi igazgatója lett.


  • Szegedi Élelmiszeripari Főiskola – Gépész (1979-1982)
  • Szegedi Élelmiszeripari Főiskola – Műszaki manager szakmérnök (1993-1995)

Szakmai érdekképviseleti vagy egyéb szervezetben betöltött pozíció

  • Magyar Tejtermék tanács – Marketing bizottsági tag (2015-)

István Béres
Director for Production

István Béres

  • Sole-Mizo Zrt. – Director for Production (since 2016)

Previous work experience

  • Murony Földvár Agricultural Producing Cooperative – Sector Manager of Crop-Production (1989-1996)
  • Friesland Hungary Rt. – Production Manager (1996-2005)
  • Sole-Mizo Zrt. – Production Manager (2009-2011)
  • Sole-Mizo Zrt. – Plant Manager (2011-2016)


  • University of Agriculture Debrecen – College of Szarvas – Crop-production Operating Engineer (1985-1988)
  • Euro Kontakt Business School – Business Manager (1998-2000)
  • University of Szeged – Engineer in Dairy Production (2000-2005)

Professional advocacy or position in other organisations

  • University of Szeged – Faculty of Engineering – Honorary Associate Docent (2018)


Adrienn Haluska
Director of QA and PD

Visit Sole-Mizo Zrt’s plants on our interactive map.

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Cím: 8700 Marcali, Széchenyi utca 13.


Cím: 9300 Csorna, Soproni út 1.


Cím: 6453 Bácsbokod, Borsódi út 1.


Cím: 6728 Szeged, Budapesti út 6.
Telefon: +36 62 569-000